Classification |
Ad |
Antique Farm Equipment |
Winter Tractor and Gas Engine Show, March 13 and 14, 9-6, Sat. 15 9-5. All indoors, 5634 Opportunity Blvd. Kruz Plaza, I-69 and CR 11A Exit 326, Auburn, IN. Free parking, all makes and models. Featuring: Minneapolis-Moline and lesser known classics, hosting Prairie Gold Rush Winter show. Muscle tractors 1960's, and up area. Swap meet, toy show, craft show, trading post, quilt show, kids' pedal pull. Breakfast daily 7-10, lunch daily, banquet Friday 6:30 p.m. Call 260-920-8753. $7 day pass, $10 3-day pass, Information 260-908-0031 or 260-925-0855.
48993 |
Cattle |
3G Ranch Bulls For Sale - High Quality, Breeding Age, Registered Gelbvieh & Limousin.
Good feeders & fats are worth a premium. If yours aren't ... You need a better bull.
Call Carl (260)349-5218 or Emily (260)242-1552
48943 |
Cattle |
Slick concrete? 2 inch" chipped grooves keep cows on their feet. Tri-State Scabbling. 1-800-554-2288.
48945 |
Cattle |
ANGUS BULLS. Top bloodlines, outstanding calving ease and disposition. Semen tested. UNDERWOOD ANGUS FARMS, North Manchester, IN. 260/578-6656.
48977 |
Cattle |
WANTED: 5 Angus or Angus Limousine Feeder Steers 400 to 600 lbs. Leave message with price. 574-773-4606.
48982 |
Dairy Equipment |
LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT* Freestalls * Headlocks * Gates * FeedersDo-Mor ProductsBurr Oak, Mich. 49030 Ph. 269/651-7362
48842 |
Energy |
For Sale Wood Pellets Shelled Corn Ron Martin Seed & Supply Phone 574/875-5273
29023 |
Equipment Wanted |
WANTED TO BUY: John Deere Tractors needing repair and damaged tractors. Martin Repair. Goshen, Ind. 574-862-3910
48042 |
Equipment Wanted |
Wanted: 1000 bushel or larger hopper bottom grain bin. Also, grinder mixer with scales in good condition. Call 574-892-5054 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
49002 |
Farm Equipment |
DMI 3250 Strip till 6 row row cleaners shanks and cover disks $3000.00. 219-510-7103
48938 |
Farm Equipment |
Tractor Tires & Rims (Front & Rear) - All Sizes Bates Corp - Bourbon, IN - 800-248-2955
28960 |
Farm Equipment |
Case IH 1220 planter 6 rows liquid fertilizer 2x2x2 martins in furrow inceticide boxes row cleaners. 219-510-7103.
48937 |
Farm Equipment |
We buy tractors in need of repair and fire damaged tractors. "Hill T Farm Inc.," 4295 Richmond-Palestine Rd., New Madison, OH 45346. Phone 937/548-0718.
495 |
Farm Equipment |
Case IH 2096 with bush hog 305 loader, bucket and hay spear. $18,000.00 OBO. 219-510-7103.
48936 |
Farm Equipment |
For Sale: JD 7720 Combine, 643 corn head, 220 Flex Bean Head. $11,500 for package. Steve Stalter 574-536-1868.
48969 |
Farm Equipment |
Bush Hog 3226 QT Front End loader off of JD 2940, works well, still has nice paint. 72" bucket and bale spear included. $3,500 or OBO. 574-223-6234. Best time to call noon or 6 to 7 p.m.
48987 |
Farm Equipment |
JD 7000 planter parts: All kinds of Parts. We also buy JD planters, any size. 574-242-1262.
43859 |
Farm Equipment |
1971 John Deere 4320 diesel, nice tractor always kept inside, diesel. Approximately 5200 hrs. $20,000.00. 574-209-2407.
48997 |
Farm Equipment |
Fertilizer Tanks: 4 30000 gallon steel vertical tanks. 1-20,000 gallon tank, steel vertical. 35 cents per gallon. Steve Stalter - Wakarusa, 574-536-1868.
48967 |
Farm Equipment |
Treated 8'x16' wagon beds in stock, call for pricing and other sizes. Call Daryl Martin 574-370-9984.
46469 |
Farm Equipment |
USED TRACTOR PARTSRebuilt Clutches, TorquesHILL T FARM INC.4295 Richmond-Palestine Rd. New Madison, OH 45346 Ph. 937/548-0718
344 |
Farm Equipment |
NH 488 haybine, with good conditioning rolls, avg. paint, w/hyd. cylinder and bolt on sickle, $3,500; Kewannee 500 40' elevator, PTO drive, w/folding hopper, very good condition, $1,000. Can deliver. Phone 708-514-4515.
49001 |
Fertilizer |
Fertilizer Tanks: 4 30000 gallon steel vertical tanks. 1-20,000 gallon tank, steel vertical. 35 cents per gallon. Steve Stalter - Wakarusa, 574-536-1868.
48968 |
Hay/Feeds |
10,000 small grass/mixed hay for sale for $6.00 per bale. Call 260-571-6052 or 260-330-0747.
48882 |
Hay/Feeds |
Mammoth Red Clover Seed, cleaned and bagged, tested, $105.00 per bushel. (60 lbs.) 419-212-0643.
48931 |