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Friday, February 28, 2025
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"New This Week" Classifieds

There are 12 new classified ads for the 2/28/2025 issue.



Antique Farm Equipment Winter Tractor and Gas Engine Show, March 13 and 14, 9-6, Sat. 15 9-5. All indoors, 5634 Opportunity Blvd. Kruz Plaza, I-69 and CR 11A Exit 326, Auburn, IN. Free parking, all makes and models. Featuring: Minneapolis-Moline and lesser known classics, hosting Prairie Gold Rush Winter show. Muscle tractors 1960's, and up area. Swap meet, toy show, craft show, trading post, quilt show, kids' pedal pull. Breakfast daily 7-10, lunch daily, banquet Friday 6:30 p.m. Call 260-920-8753. $7 day pass, $10 3-day pass, Information 260-908-0031 or 260-925-0855.


Cattle Slick concrete? 2 inch" chipped grooves keep cows on their feet. Tri-State Scabbling. 1-800-554-2288.


Dairy Equipment


* Freestalls * Headlocks
* Gates * Feeders

Do-Mor Products

Burr Oak, Mich. 49030
Ph. 269/651-7362


Equipment Wanted Wanted: 1000 bushel or larger hopper bottom grain bin. Also, grinder mixer with scales in good condition. Call 574-892-5054 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.


Farm Equipment NH 488 haybine, with good conditioning rolls, avg. paint, w/hyd. cylinder and bolt on sickle, $3,500; Kewannee 500 40' elevator, PTO drive, w/folding hopper, very good condition, $1,000. Can deliver. Phone 708-514-4515.


Farm Equipment 1971 John Deere 4320 diesel, nice tractor always kept inside, diesel. Approximately 5200 hrs. $20,000.00. 574-209-2407.


Hay/Feeds For Sale: (30) Sudax 4'x5' bales, Argos, Ind. 574-780-1971.


Hay/Feeds Square or Round Hay? Alfalfa-grass-clover Mix, 27-3x3x6 Big Square Bales-2nd Cutting, 27-4x5 Big Round Bales-1st Cutting Huntertown, IN Area, 260-564-0077


Hay/Feeds Hay For Sale! 1st cutting grass hay for sale tube wrapped right after baled for storage can deliver.


Hay/Feeds 1st-4th Cutting hay and straw. Big square bales of alfalfa, grass, and orchard grass mixed hay. Delivery available. 260-578-2288 Silver Lake, IN


Hay/Feeds Open Pollinated Seed Corn outproduces hybrids for silage. $69 per bushel plus shipping. 217-857-3377 or 217-343-4962.


Pets For Sale: 12 weeks Border Collie pups, had shots, from working parents. Phone: 260-463-3276 ext. 1


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